I think mine is just 100X.
I have seen some advertised at 1000X and 1600X.
There are many out there I believe most may have the same image sensor with
just different lenses.
Finding the right software to view what is seen by the Microscope can often be hard to find, and one that does what I want it to do.
So I decided to make my own Application.
The Application can be downloaded here: Tim's New Video Device Viewer.zip
Unzip and run setup.
Updated 03/04/2024, Updated to Windows 11 screwed things up again.
The old version is called: "Tim's Video Device Viewer"
The Camera Settings are the settings of the Device.
They are not adjustments to the image received.
They are not adjustments to the image received.
It has a Take Photo button.
This saves the current image to disk.
It has Start Video button.
This starts recording video, click it again stops the recording.
This starts recording video, click it again stops the recording.
The recording is a bit basic, higher resolutions tend to get the framerate
wrong, I need to work this out.
I didn't really make it for recording video though.
The path to which the Photo and video can be set.
Also I have added some overlays.
These are just some lines to make it look cool more professional haha.
Microsoft Store: Tim's Digital Viewer
I have done another version.
This time I have used UWP, which means I can publish it on "Microsoft Store"
Microsoft Store: Tim's Digital Viewer
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